News and Events

FUN RUN 2024
The Children’s Fun Run was still a success despite the thunderstorms in the morning. Over 140 runners from kindergarten to 4th grade. Everyone did an amazing job and we can not thank SECNY, the LaGrow family and all of our supporters! See you next year !

DRY Hydrants Training
On Monday March 20th members from all three stations tested and flowed water from hyrdants in and around Skaneateles Village. Members worked with drivers and used dry suction to flow water.

SAVES Training
On Monday March 25th, Sal and Chris from the Skaneateles Ambulance Volunteer Emergency Service or SAVES came to the Fire Department to go over equipment and training. Members of the department we able to use the Stryker Stretcher, the LUCAS cpr Device, as well as the Stair Chair. Members of the the dept. Continued to train on loading and unloading the stretcher using the LUCAS and operating the stair Chair up and down flights of stairs. Thank you again to SAVES and all they do for us and the community.

On Monday March 18th, members of the Skaneateles fire department trained on CPR skills, AED use and Oxygen administration. For over two hours, members focused on the history and causes of cardiac / respiratory arrests and why CPR and the use of an AED is so important. The members were split into teams and trained with equipment, including Bag Valve Masks and AED trainers.
Hunters Drill
On Monday October 23rd the Skaneateles Fire Dept. practiced rescue and recovery of a stranded hunter. The fire Department used multiple pieces of apparatus including Engine 12 and Rescue 1. The firefighters located the hunter and safely removed them from the blind. The Fire Dept. used ropes and a stokes basket to secure and walk the hunter out safely during drill.

TRUCK 1 Training
Members of the fire department trained on TRUCK 1. Firefighters worked together to lift a canister of foam into a weighted can on our station 1 roof. Each firefighter trained on raising, extending and lowering the bucket. If this training looks interesting stop down to station 1 to get more information on how to become a member.
Skaneateles Fire Department Fire Safety Week
Skaneateles Fire Department Fire Safety with State Street and Waterman Elementary Schools. On October 12th and 13th The Skaneateles Fire Department visited State Street and Waterman Elementary. At State street students learned about smoke alarms, reviewed who to call during an emergency and creating a safety / fire escape plan at home. Students at Waterman Elementary learned about Engine 11 and took a tour through our apparatus. Students also practiced “Stop, Drop, Roll and Cover.” Second graders learned how to escape a room. They practiced staying low, following a wall and escape in case of an emergency. Thank you again to both building Staff and Teachers for making these two days special for the students and reiterating the importance of fire safety.

Open House
October 13th, 2023
Thank you to everyone that came down to support the fire department during our Open House!

UTV and Communications Training
Skaneateles Conservation Area
On Monday October 9th, Skaneateles along with other departments including Mottville, Amber, Sennett and Marcellus ran UTV training at the Skaneateles Conservation Area. Skaneateles and other departments practiced locating patients, communications, brush fire and working with multiple departments on scene. Thank you again to the other departments for your help and professionalism.